Austin Amazon Account Management

Complete Amazon Seller Central Account Management

Amazon is a Beast, but it doesn't have to be.

Managing your Amazon Seller Central account can be a difficult and time-consuming grind.  Let us take the busy-work off your hands so you can work on your business, not in it.

Through competitive research, listing optimizations, and ad campaigns, we will have your products outranking the top brands in the world.

We are currently managing multiple major brands on Amazon.

Experts in All Things Amazon

SKUs Managed
File Uploads Completed
Under Management
$ 0

Amazon Seller Central Services

Brand Registry

We ensure that your brand is correctly registered in Amazon's Brand Registry. Brand Registry protects your brand and safeguards your listings.

Product Listings

Setting up product listings is a critical function of your Amazon Seller Central activity. Product listings include proper code usage, keywords, attributes, parent child variations and more. Be sure to set this up correctly at the beginning or it can cause major problems later.

Account Setup

We create your account and create the necessary marketplace entries in which you want to sell your goods.

Inventory Management

Shipping Plans are your way of delivering inbound products to Amazon Warehouse. We create your shipping logs for you including inventory level management and restocking orders.

Advertising Optimization

To be visible on Amazon, you will need to do some level of advertising. Managing Ad Campaigns on Amazon Seller Central is time consuming and must be done accurately or else you can overspend or risk losing valuable exposure.

Weekly Reports

To be visible on Amazon, you will need to do some level of advertising. Managing Ad Campaigns on Amazon Seller Central is time consuming and must be done accurately or else you can overspend or risk losing valuable exposure.

Review Management and Collection

Managing and collecting reviews is extremely important to your success on Amazon. We will automate review requests and manage responses.

Store Setup

For those companies with Brand Registry, we will build a micro website for your brand on Amazon that showcases your products in your own, unique brand space.

CX Monitoring and Response

CX refers to your Customer Experience rating on Seller Central based on feedback from customers during the Refund or Return stage of the buying cycle. We will monitor all responses and adjust listings to minimize refunds and returns.

We love earning Austin brands top spots on Amazon!

Our Success Formula for Amazon

We make it very simple for you.  Before we do anything on the Amazon Seller Central platform, we work to fully understand your brand and goals. 

Understanding your brand goals sets the stage for everything we will be doing for you. 

Then we architect the best strategies to make those goals happen and execute on them. 

Each week, meet with you to review Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track progress and provide a clear transparent picture of exactly what is happening with your Amazon account. 

Understand Your Brand

The first thing we do is set an onboarding meeting where we learn about your brand and set the goals to be accomplished on Amazon Seller Central.

Create Statement of Work

Based on our discussion of your brand goals and objectives, we build a Statement of Work that outlines all the services and deliverables we will provide for you. During this stage, we will outline the exact pricing for our services. Pricing is typically $3,000 - $5,000 per month with zero commission required.

Execute the Plan

Executing the plan is the fun part as this is when we make things happen for your brand and bottom line. We step through the Statement of Work and complete each task. We track daily metrics and report a summary of results to you on a weekly basis.

Weekly Meeting

Each week, we review our activities and results from the previous week with your team. We will discuss proposed optimizations and updates. We also set expectations for the following week(s) including KPI goals.

Amazon Seller Central


Amazon Seller Central Account Management

We handle all aspects of your Amazon Seller Central Account.  Product Listings, Competitor Research, Ad Campaigns, Shipping Plans, Inventory Management, Review Monitoring, Template File Uploads, etc.

Prices vary from $3,000 to $5,000 per month. 

*Unlike most agencies, we do not take a commission on the sales we generate for you.